I am a Licensed Counselor and Nationally Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I work with individuals who have survived various types of trauma: childhood abuse, sexual violence, PTSD, grief and others. I utilize therapeutic methods based in science that quickly and effectively clear the negative effects of surviving such situations. My methodology is a blend of clinical hypnotherapy with elements of neuro-linguistic programming and memory reconsolidation. I also provide consultation to other professionals seeking to improve their skills and better help their clients. Lastly I am a Missouri LPC approved Licensure Supervisor.
I have been in the field of mental health for about 20 years now. In my early years I intentionally tried different areas of this field such as in-patient psych, outpatient group therapy, school counseling, community psych treatment, and even residential care. I worked in these various areas to get a wider understanding of the clients that I work with, now and then. I have been in private practice for over 10 years now and truly love and enjoy working with individuals who have survived trauma. I’m very honored by my clients, past and present, who have shared their journey, both the ups and downs with me and allowed me to help them find a healthier, happier path.